Hints Tips & Reminders

Hints Tips & Reminders
There are so many hints and tips that it would be so hard to even collate.
In this section i will put up the hints and tips that I and my friends have used and any
i have found interesting..... have fun.

* Well I think i'll start with this one as it involves me :) .... Medication, always take enough medication to last the trip and a little more just in case you decide to extend your trip (which we have done lol). You cannot rely on those small out back towns to have exactly what you need and if the weather changes and you get stranded it could become a problem especially for your health. You are able to double up on your scripts if you get authorization from your doctor and some scripts no authorization at all. My local chemist is always happy to help.

First Aid Kits, i have found over time most caravaners keep their First Aid Kit in the caravan, that's ok if you intend being at or around you van 24/7. But if you like day tracking/fishing etc I found putting a small less expensive First Aid Kit and a few extras in the 4wd for those unexpected little mishaps is a must.

* Cooking with a camp oven can get you some awesome results the main thing I find is even with that camp oven hook and a stick or two maneuvering the oven with that extreme heat cannot be so much fun. For just $14 at Super Cheap I bought a pair of long sleeve welding gloves, yes welding gloves. They are heat resistant light weight and easy to store. And with the long sleeve it protects nearly up to your elbow making things so much easier and safer.

*Another fire hint, get your self an old oven grill great for putting the foiled up fish/veggies etc on the open fire keeping them off the ash.

* Remember when at caravan park turn off your pressured mains water before going out of the park you never know when that hose is going to give way.

* For those tight or not so tight spots in a camp site getting around those pegs and ropes especially at night can be hard to see, i myself have tripped many a times specially those midnight walks to the toilet. At Bunnings i bought a half dozen $2 mini rechargeable solar lights to place at the pegs so they where more visible during night time.... These can also be used to highlight any obstacles that could be a hazed.

* Always remember to carry some cash, never know some of these out back places don't have eftpos
and except cash only or their eftpos facilities could be down. It happens in the city :)


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